Saturday 27 February 2016

01/12/15 - Congratuations to all our athletes!

The annual presentation evening and Xmas party was a great success with much fun and food had by all. All of our members are truly inspirational and fully deserve all their sucesses.

If you have any photos, send them to

04/11/15 - Carlisle Junior Triathlon Club Keeps Winning!

Big congratulations go out to our boys and our girls this year. In the NW Series Team Championship, the boys placed 3rd and the girls place 4th. A big well done to all the competitors!

Also, we won the North West Junior Event of the Year Award! A huge thank you to all who made this possible, from the marshals to the athletes and even the parents who showed such support

07/10/15 - Many thanks to Epic Kidz

Epic Kidz is a charity who provide small grants for volunteer groups organising sporting or recreational activities for children. They recently gave Carlisle Junior Tri Club a generous donation of £500 to help us with our hugely successful triathlon in September.

For more information, click here to visit their website

13/09/15 - Carlisle Junior Triathlon

For once the weather was good, and the event ran perfectly. The club members really stepped up and all did their best. For times, photos and more, click here for the event page.

Click here to read a letter of thanks for the marshalls from our Chairman David Ross

A fantastic day and many congratulations to all our members who took part and many thanks to all who helped out. Here's to the next one!

16/08/15 - The Tri Club Social

One sunny summer's evening, we all got together to just chill out. A game of rounders, hotdogs and a quiz chaired by QuizMaster Jameo topped it off.

04/07/15 - Training day at Hetton Lyons Country Park
Training was conducted by Tri4U and, despite it looking ominious early on, the weather and conditions were perfect. A lot of fun was had running, cycling and swimming with even a mini-triathlon at the end.

07/06/15 - Slide show from one of our members
Triathlon is more than just a sport, it's a way of life and it goes far beyond the club and training. One of our members has created this fantastic slideshow about triathlon and the training involved.

12/05/15 - Volunteers wanted to train as coaches
There are 6 coaches at the moment; 5 level 2's and a level 1.  This is great and we are managing pretty well but it is always so much better if we have more to choose from, it also means that we can share the load a little bit more.

The training courses usually start in September, so if anyone is interested (the minimum age is 16) then let Kath Smith know.  If you want to know more then have a look on the BTF website or Triathlon England and you'll find more details there.  There are always grants available to help with the cost and also if the Club is in a financially viable position, the Committee might vote to help out with the fees as well.  Give it some thought and get back to us, remember the Club can't function without everyone's input.

You might as well be doing something rather than putting your feet up watching!